02 Oct

Rockwell Trains on PlantPAx


Revere Electric came to our office last week on behalf of Rockwell Automation to train Synergy employees on their new PlantPAx Virtual Image Templates. These templates were designed to work with Microsoft Volume Licensing and provide customer value by reducing the total cost of ownership.

The training also included an introduction to Stratus Technologies, a new partner of Rockwell. Stratus offers solutions that keep critical applications running 24/7 through the implementation of fault-tolerant servers, among other solutions.

After successful training, Synergy was treated to a barbecue lunch which was thoroughly enjoyed. The lunch was quickly followed by a birthday celebration for Synergy engineer Joe Zawicki. President Mark Urda was more than happy to lead the Synergy team and Rockwell partners in the traditional birthday song.

All of us at Synergy would like to thank Revere Electric and Rockwell Automation for their excellent training and for joining us in our celebration of Joe’s birthday.